Short Story Junior "1"联想
The pencil - Junior 1 short story~
Main character - Zahid, Dollah, Mr. Jamal and Mr. Brahim
This Story is about the 2 children which are Zahid n Dolloh~ Zahid is come from a broken home. His mother was past away when he birth....
One Day, Zahid bought a new pencil. It is special n expensive~ well he wan to attract the attention of teacher. And he aslo generous to share his new pencil wif his frend. He is very happy but unforturnately, Dollah takes his pen n write the alphabet D in the Zahid's pencil~
Zahid angry tat Dollah takes his pen and then they was fighting. When Mr. Jamal comes to their class, Mr. Jamal dint listen the whole event. He trust about the pencil is belongs to Dolloh. He never listen Zahid's explain~
After school, Zahid ambuss Dolloh n break the pencil after tat throw it into the river.....
When Zahid bac home he was sick~ he dint come to school 4 or 5 days.... Well, when he bac school, he became bully and trouble maker at the school.... One day, Zahid used the penknife to injured Dollah.... So tat, Zahid called by principal Mr. Brahim... When Zahid in principal's office he take out the penknife and start crying..... Mr. Brahim asked the whole event... and he noe tat this is the Mr. Jamal's wrong! After tat, he called Mr. Jamal came to his office... Then Mr.Brahim tell to him he was make a big wrong~ Finally, Mr. Brahim buy 2 new pencil to Zahid which are same with the Zahid lost one... Zahid forgive the wrong of Dollah n giv Dollah the another pencil, which is principal giv him..... While, Mr Jamal was noe tat.... teacher muz always giv patient to children n try to understanding children....
就在这短短的故事中~我看到了现实生活中的真实画面,同学与同学之间的争吵,为什么老师就是要偏帮他爱的学生~就像mr.jamal 偏帮dollah一样....却没人顾及被认定做错的那位无辜者~我想这虽然只是一个初一的小故事~但是,却是一个现在老师必读而且深入了解的东西!他们根本就不会体谅一个无辜者的感受!更加不懂得善于辨识错与对、真与假、善与恶!白痴!!!像Mr.Brahim的老师?有几个?!!不知道!我真的看不透!~ 这到底是我的偏见?!还是我的愚昧?在老师眼中我就是那么的信不过吗?!我真的不了解!==
不!我相信军鼓不会倒闭的……听到队员们一个个说要退出~心里顿时觉得有种无比的伤痛~辛苦了那么久为的是什么?! 为的是:“别输华乐太多……”就这么一个说小也不小,说大也不大的要求……是的,虽然我们如今,真的离别人有断相当远的距离~可是,追上别人不是一朝一夕的事!更不是我一个人可以做到的……为什么就是要选择离开军鼓?!T.T你们认为军鼓就即将倒闭吗?那你到了另外个团体就忍心舍得眼睁睁看着军鼓倒闭?那时候,你的心情会是庆幸还是愧疚!?谣言说:军鼓不受校长重视,要解散军鼓~倒闭是肯定的……只是时间上的问题而已!你知道吗?只要我们坚持撑着军鼓的那一天,军鼓是没有人可以吹倒的!
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